Monday, November 17, 2008

Fort Collins, CO

I am alive again! I had no idea how numb I had become since returning from the MN and the road travels that occupied a solid portion of my summer. I just returned from Fort Collins where I played a show with my good friends The Kirkpatrick Project. I also had a great opportunity to play a live 1 hour long radio show. The time away was good for my soul. On the road for music purposes = peace. I dont know how to explain it other than: It is where I am ME the most. The real Cory. I love my home and I love being home but there is something about being away playing music for people who have never heard of me before. I could go on and on about the show I played and the radio station program, the amazing vibe that came from both and how I hope our fans treat The Kirkpatrick boys as amazingly as their crew treated myself... but ill stop here and only give one description that may best illustrate how it is that i am me one the road:

Denver Airport returning home: There I am a good 2.5 hours before my flight departs waiting at the gate. I gots a book, an ipod, people watching and a guitar for "keep me busy" options. Im really stoking on the guitar idea which really isnt like me to pick up my guitar and play in the middle of a public place, but alas im jonesin' to play. So I go off into the corner quite a ways away from everyone and pull out my guitar...playing, then singing. People start gravitating towards the musical pull... next thing I know I've got people surrounding me and little children dancing. I'm laughing, playing, playing and laughing. Music its not just for me its for us. All of us... A lesson learned. Happiness had.

I love my life.



Nicole said...

Hey! Really enjoyed your music and meeting you on Sunday night! Come back to see us soon!

JoeP said...

That last bit at the end in DIA - it gave me goosebumps.