Sunday, August 24, 2008

Basic tracks done

So Cory has given me (Devin the bassist for those of who dont know who I am) the assignment of posting our first blog of our recording process. But first let me talk about our way up to this state called Minnesota. We left on Wednesday around 5:00 PM and stopped somewhere in Nebraska for the night. I wish I could tell you what town but it really was in the middle of nowhere. We found a dirt road and drove on it till we found a good plot of land, stopped the car, unloaded our sleeping bags, and then slept outside. It was quite nice except for the howling coyotes in the distance that were probably planning on some devious way to rip our faces off and the ants that decided to be our bed companions that we discovered in the morning. We drove the rest of the way to Minnesota where Eric and I discovered the amazingness known as "Heroes." Check it out, it will change your life. 
Our first day in Minnesota (Friday) we had completely free to check out this new land and mysterious city. So what did four guys decide to do with their free day? Check out the largest mall in the United States of course! The Mall of America! I wish I could say it was amazing but it was just a mall that was larger than other malls meaning that there are even more useless stores than ever before! We then spent the night with Matt Jennings who is the brother of Mason Jennings, but I will let Cory talk more about that. Yesterday we went through 9 out of 10 of our songs and recorded all the basic tracks. We were quite impressed. Chad Weiss is an awesome engineer and an awesome guy in general who is really chill and relaxed. Its been a great experience so far. 
I will end this blog with our hotel experience last night. We wanted a cheap place so we reserved a room from Motel 6 which was our first mistake. WE show up around midnight to find the lobby desk locked down with a metal gate with a bulletproof window on the side from which I am to talk to the hotel lobbyist. He gives us our room, we walk up it and discover a small tiny room with one bed inside. We have four people. This is not going to work. We go downstairs, ask for a new room since they screwed up on our reservation, and all they have is a smoking room for us. We take it, walk in, and the smell of nicotine and tobacco hits our nostrils instantly with brown spots and stains scattered on the walls to remind us what our room is. We discover the next morning as well that there is a blood stain on our shower curtain where some unlucky tenant probably met his demise or some person cut their legs shaving or something, we will never know, but it was enough for our new friend Chad to go on and get us a 4 star hotel for $50 bucks a night. He is forever in our debt. Thats all for now. Pictures to come soon...

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